Another Sunday drive
Went for a ride yesterday with a friend. We drove up to the river and along the way I got these shots of sastrugi. This type of snow ridge was better last year. But that's okay because that means we got less snow this year.

Then we went along the river. I liked this reflection.

Then we drove along Crockery Creek. If you're from Michigan you'll pronounce that "crick". This showed how the water had been higher, frozen, and then gone down again.

Then we drove over to an area that sometimes floods over by the highway. More good examples of frozen ice ledges stuck on the trees. Again, not as cool as last year's when they were a foot thick and three feet or more high.

And, while I recommend clicking on all of these pictures and choosing All Sizes to see them in a larger version, you really need to with these. We drove by a farm where there were chickens and wild ducks hanging out together. If you look at the large size and look waaaay to the right, about my side-view mirror, you can see the female mallards.

I also saw some Red Tail Hawks. They were close enough that I could see the red of the tail perfectly but too far away to get a picture.

Then we went along the river. I liked this reflection.

Then we drove along Crockery Creek. If you're from Michigan you'll pronounce that "crick". This showed how the water had been higher, frozen, and then gone down again.

Then we drove over to an area that sometimes floods over by the highway. More good examples of frozen ice ledges stuck on the trees. Again, not as cool as last year's when they were a foot thick and three feet or more high.

And, while I recommend clicking on all of these pictures and choosing All Sizes to see them in a larger version, you really need to with these. We drove by a farm where there were chickens and wild ducks hanging out together. If you look at the large size and look waaaay to the right, about my side-view mirror, you can see the female mallards.

I also saw some Red Tail Hawks. They were close enough that I could see the red of the tail perfectly but too far away to get a picture.
My sister has been a teacher for years at an elementary school that most would consider "inner city." Though the chicken that comes through her classroom window might disagree.
Oh cool! I liked the straight-on picture of the river. Very cool.
I love hawks. I'm jealous
Very nice water ice pictures. Thanks for taking us alone.
I must admit that winter is beautiful, even if I am tired of it. Wonderful photos.
Mr B, inner city, huh? Where the heck does she teach?
Jim, thank you, I really liked that one, too. I took a bunch of pictures and this is what I narrowed it down to. Do you get the hawks over there? Or do you just not get the chance to go out and see them?
August, thanks! And, you're welcome.
Nick, I always have to say that the stuff is beautiful even if I don't like to have to deal with it. Most of this will probably go away this week. We're getting into the 40s and 50s with rain.
squirl-bob - I'm sure we do, but I haven't seen any in years. It might be because I'm in a grey cubicle 456 hours a day.
Right here in the lovely town of Owensboro, KY.
Whoa, my security word? I'm not so sure the Elf Untion is going to like this. Or, maybe they'll love it: bfelv
Jim, you need to make some time to get out in the woods and see that kind of wildlife. It's very rewarding and helps offsite the loooooon hours spent in the cubicle.
Mr B, Owensboro has an inner-city, huh? Chickens it is. :-)
I don't know about the Elf union, but I think it's funny.
Lovely pics as usual, Squirl. What a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Thanks, Ladybug. It was chilly, but still fun.
Is this considered "stopping to smell the roses" when roses aren't blooming yet. :-)
OK, now how 'bout I leave this comment as ME?
I'm told elves are mad for the BF. So I think you're alright. Come on, did anyone else see the elves in Lord of the Rings? Sure, they could kick your ass fast as you could blink at their shiny tresses, but let's face it - elves are, at their heart, a bit mincey.
And the pictures are beautimus. I like the hawks, too. We get lots of them where I am now.
Bucky, thanks! Yes, as bad as they are, elves are mincey.
Thanks for my new word for the day.
I swear that my mission in life is to fatten up birds at my feeder, so the hawks can feast on them. :(
tshsmom, you're welcome. That does seem sad to feed the birds only to have the hawks feed on them.
Chia, it sure is beautiful. Thanks!
I know it's the way nature works. I just wish the hawks would wait until the birds leave the yard.
tshsmom, oh no, blood and feathers right in your own backyard. That sucks.
Danielle, I first found that word from a page a day English Oxford Dictionary that Ichabod gave to me. It was spelled a bit differently but this spelling is easier.
Thanks, I love how the ice is like that. Was still like that yesterday but we're warming up and going to have rain so it'll probably be gone soon.
I don't know about "stopping to smell the roses," Squirl. Perhaps "stopping to admire the snow"? :)
Those ice ledges are cool!!! We get red tails, and Cooper's hawks, as well as perregrine falcons, kestrels, osprey and tons of bald eagles. When we moved here early in '97, it was rare to see a bald, but they've made such a remarkable recovery that it's becoming common place. So cool!! I love taking nature walks/drives with you!! And your pictures are SOOOOOO much better than mine....!
Ladybug, thanks. I try to find the beauty in nature. Yes, even in things like snow, which I really don't like.
Eclectic, I love sastrugi. I can't wait till bald eagles are that commonplace around here. I'm not sure about kestrels, but I think we have all the others around here. I wish you could really go on these nature trips with me. I'm glad you enjoy my pictures. I've never seen anything wrong with your pictures, but unlike you, I don't have three active kids to keep up with. Working on taking pictures is easier for me. :-)
Thanks for letting us drive with you! Melting snow and ice always makes such interesting forms.
Ern, you're so welcome. I think so too. All of that ice is gone now. I went by there today on my way to the chiropractor.
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