Back by popular demand
Well, regular readers of this blog know how I've been complaining about snow. We got a lot snow and cold weather really early this season. Not being a lover of snow, this has not made me exactly happy.
Then, right before Christmas, the thaw came. You could actually see green patches in yards at Christmas-time. It seemed amazing with all the snow we've had so far this year. Then it not only continued to be warm, we had thunderstorms yesterday.
Folks, this is the third of January in Michigan! The picture I'm posting here actually looks more like April. I'm liking this, but it's soooo confusing. :-)
Then, right before Christmas, the thaw came. You could actually see green patches in yards at Christmas-time. It seemed amazing with all the snow we've had so far this year. Then it not only continued to be warm, we had thunderstorms yesterday.
Folks, this is the third of January in Michigan! The picture I'm posting here actually looks more like April. I'm liking this, but it's soooo confusing. :-)

Today is the 6th annivarsy of a tornado we had rip through these parts. Yesterday we had SIX warnings/watches and..several miles from here thankfully...we had an earthquake. Fun fun!
Mr B, I thought I heard there was nasty weather down your way. All we got were thunderstorms. Melted a lot of snow, and I'll bet that's a big load off your mind. Earthquake, though????? Sheesh!
We had tornado warnings as well but thankfully none showed up very close. Still no snow down here - just rain. Hey, I would imagine the squirrels and birds are pretty confused about your weather up there. :) ec
Chia, so that's what it really is, huh? I guess they could really kick up a 'quake.
MrEddie, yes, extremely confusing for squirls, I mean squirrels. Glad you didn't get any tornadoes. :-)
Okay, my word verification is chinsow.
Is this some kind of a swine remark about my double chin? Because if so, it's totally deserved.
Or is it a phonetic bastardization of chainsaw?
Anybody wanna see my chainsaw pictures?
(no one ever does)
Bucky, I do believe it's a Southern variation on chainsaw. And, no, I'm too skirred to see the pictures.
Heffers? Quit talking about my family like that damn it!
It's been unseasonably warm here too. This has resulted in us not seeing the sun for over 2 weeks.
Give me some cold weather, with the accompanying sunshine!
Same in Kentucky. Yesterday, before the thunderstorms and tornadoes, it felt like early spring. It even set a high temperature record for the day: 72 F.
The tornado hit Rineyville, KY, where my sister lives. We had some scary moments until we reached her by phone.
Mr B, now I'm not sure. Is that heifers or heffers? Is there a difference? I'm sure none of the females in your family has those qualities.
tshsmom, you see, here in Michigan, cold or warm, we get very little sunshine in the winter. You can go, literally, weeks to a month and not see the sun. So I'll take a little thaw now and then.
SS Nick, so glad your sister is okay. Tornadoes are terrible. Not worth the warmth.
I saw this pic on Flickr and thought
"What an odd sunken looking fire hydrant... OH! Look at the grass!"
Danielle, it's amazing after all the snow we've had. I believe you guys have been getting warmer weather too. Woo-hoo, green grass and puddles. :-)
Yay! And we got SNOW today, which was just what I was wanting to go along with the THAW which is just what you were wanting!! The weather gods are kind.
Positively LUSH! It is toasty here too. Enough to fool a few trees into blooming. Ooops!
I actually have no idea. Sorry. I do know that, however it is spelled, that's the spelling I was thinking about when I called the little sister of a friend one oh so many years ago.
Kylz, yes and it's so nice to see this time of year.
Eclectic, how often does that kind of thing happen? I love it for both of us.
Kranki, yeah, though I loooove the green, I'm worried about things starting to bloom too early. It's going to be snowing again by tomorrow, according to the weather forecast.
Mr B, just as long as you don't hang either spelling on anyone in your own family then it's cool.
You know that, officially, 2005 was the hottest year on record?
What global warming? What're you talking about?
Pretty! The draught here is so bad, we haven't seen green grass in months. Everything is brown and brittle. (Lots and lots of fires in this area.)
We had wind, gusts that reached 60mph, blew over four semi tractor-trailers. High was 62 and dry. Not expecting snow anytime soon. But this is pretty normal for the front range in Colorado. All the snow is in the mountains. Even though we need moisture, the snow can stay up there.
The grass in your picture does remind me of spring. Glad you got a thaw and break from winter.
Jim, there will be some who will ignore global warming until they can only dress in summer clothes and the coasts are encroaching on the Midwest and the Plains states.
Ladybug, of course, that's why you have so many fires. We were fairly dry last summer, but all the snow melted and helped green things up.
Nina, thanks. Hope your weather stays as snow-free.
I know, we had such unseasonably warm weather when we were in Utah. Bookended by snow. :)
Re: the geese: My friend heard that the "cackling" or minima subspecies of the Canada goose is being split off into full species status. But I hadn't heard anything about it, nor had our other friend.
I got sunRISE... on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside... Pssst, Squirl? I posted you a picture!
***squeals like a preschooler***
Hope you had a good new year. Good thing we didn't try to meet you and Ichabod at the BOB. They were charging a $30 cover just to get in the building, and we heard the individual restaurants were charging a cover too! Ended up at Fridays.
Ern, so they're cackling geese, huh? I wonder if we get those around here? Do they look like the Canada geese?
Glad you got a bit of a warming out there in snow country. :-)
Eclectic, it's beautiful!
Everybody, go over to Eclectic's and check out her sunrise picture!!
GWB, that's absolutely outrageous. And I'll bet they were packed at the BOB, too. I'm glad you were able to get into Friday's at least. Hope you had a good time. I don't even know if the Griffins won.
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