A little color is good
I love the bold, pretty colors of this season. And poinsettias have some of the best. I just couldn't resist taking these pictures. The one of the tree came out a little blurry but I'm posting it anyway.

See the table in this picture? I really want to buy one of those. They have one in New York's Museum of Modern Art. It would go really well with our modern leather and chrome furniture.

Everyone please have a safe, fun, and a Merry Christmas!

See the table in this picture? I really want to buy one of those. They have one in New York's Museum of Modern Art. It would go really well with our modern leather and chrome furniture.

Everyone please have a safe, fun, and a Merry Christmas!
Thanks you, Kylz, the same to you. :-)
I'm so grateful for the warm fuzzies that are being passed around by our blog friends!
Beautiful pics! And I love that table too!
I have multiple personality disorder when it comes to decor. I love modern, so I would LOVE the chrome and leather furniture. I also really love art deco, especially from the 20's and 30's,about as opposite as you can get!. Yeah, I'm a complicated guy.
Anyhow, hope you and eveyone in the nest have a fabulous Holiday season.! You will have to tell us all what non sports fans do during Christmas week... I've never quite figured that out!
Good pics - love the bright color - have a Merry Christmas. ec
Cool "tree"! Where were these taken?
Beautiful tree, Squirl!
(and I didn't notice any fuzzyness at all)
Chia - are you really one of those people who goes out and does all shopping for presents on Christmas Eve? You could be on the news! (they always show one of those stories every year on Christmas Eve about the last minute shoppers)
Although, I guess she won't be around to answer. Squirl? Do you know?
And Merry Christmas to you too!
tshsmom, I am, too. This is really a wonderful group.
Morning, Chia, I was sitting in our chair like that last night. I wish you luck in all of your shopping. Looks like it's going to be very wet shopping today.
GWB, I think leather and chrome look great with art deco! I am going to be taking time off through Wednesday this week. I wasn't really even aware of what's going on sports-wise. ;-) Maybe I can finally catch up on some reading.
MrEddie, thanks!
Jim, let's just say it's a place close to my heart. :-) Thanks
Danielle, I don't think Chia usually puts shopping off until the last day. She's been trying to find a place to live for a while. If you're interested, and have time, you could link back and check out what's been up in her life lately.
Merry Christmas to all of you and thanks for finding the time to write today!
Am I the only one who has never seen a poinsettia tree like that?? That is the coolest "tree" EVER! How beautiful!!
Merry Christmas to you, Squirly and Ichabod, and all whom you love.
Eclectic, last year was the first time I ever saw one, so they're still kinda new to me. I just loooove all that color.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours, too!
I LOVE that tree and the table and your furniture.
Blessings to you and yours!
Nina, thank you. A Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your family, too!
Chia, hi sweetie! I hope it's all going well with you.
Happy Holiday!!!!!
The mall near us does those poinsettia trees. I just LOVE them; I've even threatened to have our family Christmas pictures taken there. Your post inspires me in that direction.
Thank you for sharing so much good stuff with us. OH, thanks for the card and cartoon, it's up on the bulletin board at work! Watch your snail mail...
Merry Christmas, and thanks for adopting me :)
Susie, you should absolutely have your picture taken in front of a poinsettia tree. They are so gorgeous with all that color.
I saw that cartoon and knew you had to have it. Do you ever feel like that?
Adopting you is one of the best things I've ever done. So glad you're in my family, Susie.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Squirlie Girlie. Aren't you glad I dragged you over into the darkside of blogging?
Love, your evil sister (as opposed to Susie, the adopted but angelic sister)
Merry Christmas, Bucky, yes I'm very glad to have been brought, by you, over to the blog size.
And I love my sisters equally. ;-)
Wow thats alot of poinsettas, really pretty.
Way back in his teenage years Nick used to work for a greenhouse and he said those things are a pain in the butt to grow, but they look so pretty when they are big.
Merry Christmas to you lady.
Thanks, Jess! I've never been able to do anything with those plants on my own. I buy 'em, they're pretty for a while, then they die.
A very Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family, too!
Merry Christmas Squirl! May you get all the nuts you want this Christmas.
Nick told me that you have to be careful when handling them, the oils from our skin and hands really mess with the leaves and stuff and can make the plants die off...
Thanks, Ern! ;-)
DP, some people must just have knack for taking care of those. Merry Christmas!
Oops, hi Jess, I missed you while I was commenting.
So the oil on our skin is detrimental? I'll have to remember that if I ever get one again. Thanks!
Wow! That poinsettia tree (?) is fabulous!
Hope Christmas brings you many blessings and a huge amount of joy!
Thanks, Nick, I really hope the same for you! Merry Christmas!
Tardist, thanks, yeah those are pretty cool. Merry Christmas and I'll see you soon.
It's Christmas morning.
Where's my BB gun?
Pa in his kerchief
And I in my chaps
Had just settled in
For some eggnog and crap.
Merry Christmas!
You'll shoot yer eye out kid!
Great poem.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, sis!
The Angel Susie ;)
Merry Christmas you guys! I hope you opened 7 kinds of brownies and they all RAWKED!
Have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!
I love the pictures!!!
Merry Christmas, Angel sis Susie!
Mr B, along with many other goodies we did get a pan of brownies from Ichabod's sister. She's the one who gave me the recipe for the ones I make.
Amber, thanks and Merry Christmas!
Hey Squirlie -- I just dropped by to check on your Christmas day. Hope it was filled with people you love and things you like.
Merry Christmas Squirl. That tree is so cool. I hope you both have a wonderful holiday.
Hi, Eclectic, yes it absolutely was! It was a wonderful day. I hope yours was, too.
August, it's been wonderful. I hopey you're enjoying yours, too.
Love the tree! :oD
You know, I should totally should send you my chocolate chipotle brownies in a jar. They are yummy.
I hope you had a good time. Lovely flowers. So Christmasy.
Yes! You got brownies! The holiday, she's-a saved-a!
Thanks, MD!
Amber, those sound interesting. Are they really hot? Yes, I had a great time. Thanks!
Kylz, I've been a slacker. I have a bunch of pictures that I took on a walk the other day. I hope to post those tonight.
Mr B, I just had one for breakfast. ;-)
I hope it was a good one for you and yours.
Hi, Chia, I got another book by Lynn Truss for Christmas. She's pretty funny. I'll be back on Wednesday.
Mereoj. Does that mean there's no alcohol in it?
Kranki, hi! The holiday was wonderful. I hope yours was, too.
love from opera-gal
Hi OperaGal! So great to see you around again!
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