Bang, bang, the neighbor shot it down
Update: The neighbor, whose car kinda looks like Ichabod's, was shot at by a pellet gun as he was driving past our apartment to get to a parking place! He was still in the car, doggone it!
I knew all weekend that it was time for a new post. It was hard to get my act together as I have a cold and just was feeling generally lousy and blah.
Then, about 1:30 this morning, Ichabod and I both woke up. We heard noises outside. He thought it was firecrackers at first. I thought it sounded like a gun, but not quite loud enough. I could swear I heard something lightly hitting our windows.
There was nothing that I could see, though, when I got up to look. While I was looking there was no sound, either. After I went back to bed I began to hear the noises again. This is a noisy neighborhood so I figured as long as we weren't in mortal peril that I might as well go back to sleep.
I had no plans on working today as I still was feeling lousy. But I had a dentist appointment and those take a while to schedule so I figured I'd still go.
Then when I got down to my car this is what I saw:

There are about 30 holes in the windshield alone. I don't know how more there are between the hood, roof, and the driver's side door. There might even be more. When the policeman was here he was nice, but I could tell that there wasn't much he was going to do. We figure it was probably a high-powered semi-automatic pellet gun. From the angle of the shots it has to be from the crappy apartment building next door with the neighbors that like to play loud music in the middle of the night.
I don't know if my car was just the easiest to get or if somebody was mad at me and was purposely trying for my car. I take it in today at 12:30 to be repaired. In the meantime I'll be using a loaner.
I must quote from Jim here, Dammit, we can't have nice things!
Ladybug, that did freak me out. And it pissed me off. The police feel that there's not much can be done because the area has the homeless and the practically homeless. And Grand Rapids wants people with jobs and money to move downtown. Why would they want to with this kind of crap going on?
Now that just sucks. Are you sure you're not in Kentucky? I'm glad you guys are ok.
Mr B, living in West Michigan can sometimes be like living in the hills. Thanks!
Bone, I can't say that doesn't sound very tempting....
With my deductive reasoning in full swing, I'd have to say it was a mean ole grrrl that did it.
Mr B, a mean old grrrrrl would do that to a Sqrrrrrrl?
Bucky, that's true. Your poor car has had its share of abuse. So how come I live in Grand Rapids, you live in Flint, and my car's the one getting shot.
Oh yeah, right, I live right downtown. You have a nice little residential spot. Got it.
Maybe if you kick some ass you wouldn't have the need to mutilate penis candles. I'm just sayin....
*Bucky's got my back*
If insurance won't pay, put your claim in again and tell them it's hail damage.
If that doesn't work, tell them "Bucky's got back."
I mean "MY" back. Oh, never mind.
Mr B, hahahahahaha!
Actually, I'm driving a silver Taurus now until my lovely, little red Golf is ready.
I hear what you're saying, Sun. But I know some people there whose homes have been burgled in the middle of the day. Mebbe we should just leave Grand Rapids.
I can't believe that anyone could be mad at you. I am glad it was at night and you were no~where near your car.
This kind of shit just makes me sad, and angry and I don't want to believe that stuff happens. I find it truly scary that people can behave this way!
Damn . . .
Sun, Ichabod had his car window broken over on Logan. Not sure what's really safe anymore.
Nina, thanks. I don't know why people do this kind of crap. It's not only maddening and scary when you see stuff like this, it's time-consuming and expensive. I have to take out time to take the car in, get a loaner, and then, eventually, pick it up. Then I have to pay my deductible. I'm still irritated.
Nope, Sun>, no seven sevens for me anymore.
This SHIT happens everywhere, and it PISSES ME OFF!!!
Our last vehicle was keyed from headlight to tail light when it was only 2 weeks old, and we live in a town of 8,000.
Vandalism of ANY kind is so ignorant! I don't care how downtrodden you think you are. Use your time to create, not destroy!
*hiding in case Bucky saw the comment about her backside*
Mr B, I don't know if Bucky saw that or not. You might want to hide from the sniper now, he's shooting at moving cars.
Thanks, MB. He did shoot at somebody else tonight. Ichabod says that maybe he got a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas. Maybe he'll shoot his own eye out.
Jaysus H. Keee-reist! OOOOOOOoooooph, that just makes me crazy mad. And a little wierded out, too. It's kinda creepy to think you're that close to such destructive individuals! That's it. You're moving out here, and that's that. Then I could loan you my "attack" puppy -- he'd lick the world trying to keep you safe!!
I'm glad no person has been physically hurt by those vandals yet, even though I know it hurts to be violated by vandalism. Stay safe, Squirlie!
The pellet gun sniper strikes again!! Lambent lugubrious moonlight plays gracefully on the visage of the pockmarked car.
holy CRAP! need to get all your blog buddies together and we'll set up a sting operation, find out who did that shit to your car and then dunk the bastard in hot tar and feathers.
Eclectic, it's weirded me out too. Yes, it is good that no one has been hurt. Goods can be replaced. But I bet your attack puppy could lick anyone into submission. :-)
Ella, I love when you wax poetic. I especially love the Kerouackian mood you set.
Tardist, I hope they're going to be looking into this. They didn't seem too interested when my car was all shot up. Maybe since the sniper shot at a moving vehicle it'll be taken more seriously.
SS Nick, I know exactly what you mean. I've heard the phrase "thoughts are deeds", so I try to not even think bad things about people. It's hard some days, though.
Jess, you're right, it is fucked up. Maybe Hermione could drown them in a pool of big dog slobber.
Sun, you'd think, with our proximity to the police station, that things would be better. I'm sure it's from the apartment building next door.
Hillbilly, glad to see you here, thanks for the support. Return fire sounds like fun.
Danielle, I sure hope they take more notice now. It pisses me off if they're just taking reports, filing them, and going their merry way.
Jim, are you sure tar and feathers aren't too good for him? I sure appreciate all the support I get from you and the other bloggers. It means a lot to me.
Wow, oh wow, oh wow.
I'm SO glad you weren't hurt, Squirl! Yikes!
You know, Squirl, if you send me a full picture of your car, I can fix it up for free... it would only be virtually, though...
CK, hi! Thanks! As soon as I get the car back I would love to have you do virtual flames for me!
What is WRONG with people??
Kranki, I sure wish I knew. Some people are just nuts!
Mr B, I commend Bloggy Jr's grasp of the situation. I'd like to make him the judge on this case.
Good job, daddy!
Bone, we're not sure, though, that this guy can read. It does sound like fun.
Sun, I think I know who your friend is.
Chia, thanks. And I agree with your word verification.
As I posted on my blog last night: "May the Light of God shine upon the person or persons who shot holes into Squirl’s red car for the greatest possible good." Remembering that the “greatest possible good” is probably NOT what the pellet-shooting culprit wants to happen.
I'm so sorry to hear about this!
A long time ago, our house was burglarized, and I informed the police that I thought the culprits were some neighborhood teens (gone bad) that we'd had over to our house (as children.)
Prints found in the house were matched... but the detective hinted those prints could have been there from before.
(OK, I hate washing windows and such, but I do clean them!)
Those teens were arrested several months later, after stabbing two girls and leaving them for dead in a nearby canyon.
I guess my point is the police won't do anything until things get real bad...
Damn, Squirl! I am so sorry that happened. It's such a creepy feeling, knowing that someone has that little regard for you. I'm with Jim. I'm putting on my Hello, Kitty! helmet and joining the posse!
I hope your cold is gone. Mine's seriously hanging on :(
I'm up for Jim's posse idea!
SS Nick, thank you. That is exactly the right sentiment. Whether it be karma, God, whatever you want to call it, he will get what's coming to him. Being human, it's just hard to be that patient sometimes.
Susie, alright, you're on my posse. I don't know what people are thinking of sometimes. I just hope he's done. But nobody wants to park in that spot anymore.
My cold is finally starting to be on the upside. I keep taking tons of supplements. Have you tried Zicam? I've used that as a spray. It's mostly zinc, I think.
tshsmom, yay another posse member. Boy, the world better look out when we all get together.
:::sharpening pitch fork:::
I'm in.
MD, alright, more for the posse. Thanks!
Kranki, I don't think the cops even care. To them it's just malicious destruction of property, "here's yer incident number, lady, call yer insurance company" kind of thing.
On the up side, I think they're going to paint the little chips that have been in my car from rocks and stuff so they won't rust.
I pick up my car tomorrow. Just won't be parking in that spot anymore, at least, not overnight.
My word ver is yobabnzk Yo, baby, then the rest sounds like snoring...
Good to hear your cold is getting better, that the Squirl posse is growing and that as of _right_ _now_ you may even have your car!
That was relatively fast. :-)
Holy Crap Squirl. That sucks big time. It's true, you can't have anything nice.
So sorry this happened.
Danielle, oops, I mispoke. I will be getting the car tomorrow. But that's still good. The Taurus is okay, but I prefer my Golf. Thanks!
August, thanks. We'll be moving. I hate living where my things and I aren't safe.
Shit! I know I'm a little late with this, but lets saddle up and giddem! I have a spud gun that works awesome with lemons...
Song, spud gun with lemons? That sounds great to me. Let's go!
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