Along came a spider
I was sitting at my desk, just minding my own business, when some movement caught my eye. I looked up and this is what I saw getting closer and closer to my workstation.

A nice guy I work came over and killed him for me. But not until after I'd taken three pictures. Blogging has brought out a whole new side of me.

A nice guy I work came over and killed him for me. But not until after I'd taken three pictures. Blogging has brought out a whole new side of me.
Oh I don't like spiders inside and well I do the same thing. Have a nice guy kill them for me. :)
Mr B, yeah, I know.
Nina, I wouldn't have cared so much if it hadn't been heading straight for my office!
Seeing spiders make me want to scream out the next word verification: Xpopuihs!
It's like a Harry Potter spell or something.
"Oh Ron Weeeeeesley, Xpopuihs!"
and he turns into a big spider.
Mr B, that's right. I remember how much Ron hates spiders. That was the form of his boggart. My wv isn't very spell-like. patccib
kittn, yeah, pretty skirry stuff.
Yech. Hate those things.
Kranki, I can handle 'em until they get too close to me. I know they take care of other bugs. But I don't want them on me.
I wish they'd spin their pesky little webs OUTSIDE!
Oh that's so funny!! I have a friend who just today was telling me about her irrational reaction to spiders -- and this woman is a black belt, incredibly strong! She said she shrieks uncontrollably like a little girl and cannot for the life of her seem to stop until the spider is dead, even if she has to kill it herself. And here is our very own fearless Squirl, relying on the mercy of nice men to rescue her from spiders, too. Hee! I promise I won't tease you TOO much about it!!!
AAAUUUGHH! I scream like a white woman whenever I'm near a spider. I can handle snakes..I can handle rats..I can handle most other bugs, but spiders freak me OUT. Gah.
It depends on the size of the spider.
If it's tiny, no problem.
If it's huge, it must die.
If it's furry, has two heads and breathes fire...well, then we really ought to quit smoking fruit Loops before bed.
tshsmom, exactly!
Eclectic, maybe the next time I have spider problems you'll come help me out. :)
Jim, at least I didn't scream and act toooo girly about the whole thing. I like spiders in theory, just don't care for them right next to me.
MD, you know, you've got a very good point there. *note* no smoking Fruit Loops before bed
There is one nice thing about spiders...
oh,, there isn't.
Hey, Squirl...what are day-glo colors?
This is regarding the baby blanket post on my blog and not the Fruit Loops.
Okay, it's about the Fruit Loops, but still, what are day-glo colors? I is confused.
Scrunch, you've made a good point there.
MD, let's see. Day-glo colors are described as daylight fluorescent colors. Really bright orange, yellow, and green were really popular in the late-sixties, early-seventies, before you were born. Here's an example of some at this link. day-glo
Oh! Those are Day-Glo colors!
I had a cousin who wore spandex in those colors...she was only six at the time, but still, it was almost louder than she was.
MD, Day-Glo was a lot of fun for the 60's after the conservative, blah colors of the 50's. But, yes, rather loud. :)
I don't like them either. They're so fast, and you just can't trust them.
I am fascinated by their webs, though. I can look at them for a long time. Preferably outside :)
Spider, spider, on the wall
Ain't you got no smarts at all?
Don't you know that wall is fresh plastered?
Get off that wall you dirty... spider.
Squirl, I know what you mean about blogging bring out a new side of us. I walk down the street, and see something unique, and wish I had my camera with me. I used to create sermons in my mind when I was driving, now I create blog posts.
I'll have you know, you gave Jess the major heebie jeebies with that picture!
Susie, spiders really are interesting critters. I just have a problem with their being to close to me. Nice to see you here.
Nick, I love the poem. lol
I see a lot of your blogs as potential sermons, too. :)
Bucky, I guess it means that it's time for me to put up a new post. Sorry about that.
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