The pen is mightier...
Last night, when I got home from visiting my mother, Ichabod was working at the kitchen sink. I thought that he might be making some cole slaw or something. When I got a closer look, his fingers looked weird.
On closer inspection, I realized that his fingers were blue. He won't tell me exactly what happened, but it looks like he had a fight with an ink pen. And I'm not entirely sure which of them won.
They were more blue yesterday but I didn't get a picture until tonight.
On closer inspection, I realized that his fingers were blue. He won't tell me exactly what happened, but it looks like he had a fight with an ink pen. And I'm not entirely sure which of them won.

I think at least the ink pen had a shot. . . at winning. It looks kind of cool when I realized it wasn't a bruise. That was my first thought however. :)
Nina, I hadn't thought about it looking bruised. The pen would have to really mighty to do that much damage. :)
Whatever you do, don't let him play with scissors! ;)
SNAKE BITE!! SQRRRL DIAL 911!!! Clearly the snake handler has had a run-in!!
He strangled a Smurf to see what color it turned, right?
Oh my gosh, I looked at the picture before reading the rest of your post and got the heebie jeebies because I thought his fingers had been bruised.
What a relief to find out it was just a pen. Albeit and exploding pen, but still, just a pen.
tshsmom, at least I shouldn't let him run with them. :)
Mr B, it must have been a blue racer.
MD, hahahahaha! He should borrow the shirt from Steve.
Danielle, I never even thought that it would look like bruises. I wish I'd gotten the picture the night before when they were much darker. It looks like the pen was mightier, but now that I think about it, the pen's in the garbage and Ichabod's not.
If a future match is scheduled, my money's on the pen.
Tee hee, Susie, I'll be sure to get that bet the next time. :)
So nice to see you. Hope you're feeling better.
I guess being drowned in blue ink is better than being tied up in red tape. *Hee* Mighty Ichabod, Pen-Slayer.
Eclectic, good one!
I think Ichabod has a new title. :)
Eclectic, good one!
I think Ichabod has a new title. :)
He been hangin with the hippies again?
Looks bruised--I had to read immediately
curious as to what he was making....
Actually, I thought that colored people were a thing of the past.
This makes me think of one of those Saturday Night Live skits where they have Jeopardy and Sean Connery is one of the contestants. One of the categories is "The pen is mightier..." and Sean Connery keeps saying it "The penis mightier."
As in: "Trebek! You've got a penis mightier? You're sitting on a goldmine, man!"
Effie, I was curious too, but he's not sayin'.
Lori, I guess it just depends what color you're talking about.
Bucky, I love that SNL Jeopardy skit! One of my favorites. Now I'll never see the title of this post the same again.
Hey, I just had a thought:
Maaaybe he was attacked by a squid and had to kill it with his bare hands. Yeah, that's it.
Squid = ink
Yeah, I'm weird.
MD, I like that theory. It works for me. In fact, it's almost as good as "barf, you're it!"
Chia, I've heard that line. I saw your chair today, no ink stains there.
At least it was a blue pen, instead of one of those girly, glittery, pink gel pens.
Courtney, hi! Nice to see you.
Yes, it could've been worse. We do have some of that type around. :)
Sorry. Obscure 'Kids In The Hall' reference.
Kranki, I thought I knew all of the Kids in the Hall stuff. I don't know that one. Now I'll have to go crush someone's head.
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