Dogwood and Horse Chestnut
Took my camera out again the other day. I saw a pink dogwood and a horse chestnut that were blooming. And, of course, I thought I'd share.
When I posted dogwood before, it was white, creamy, version. This is a pink dogwood.

I always thought the horse chestnut was an interesting tree from a distance. They get really huge and have interesting-looking leaves and clumps of blooms. But the flowers were much prettier than I realized.

When I posted dogwood before, it was white, creamy, version. This is a pink dogwood.

I always thought the horse chestnut was an interesting tree from a distance. They get really huge and have interesting-looking leaves and clumps of blooms. But the flowers were much prettier than I realized.

*still appreciating the All Sizes button*
I didn't take pictures of the roses this year, and now it may be too late. COOL and wet wedder seems to making them none-too-happy at the moment.
(But the folks at the office got to see them in person. :P )
Mr B, I hope your roses hold up. Now, if I were in Kentucky I could've seen them, too.
Glad you took advantage of the All Sizes button. :)
I've never seen horse chestnut blooms up close before. Thanks for the view.
tshsmom, a friend of mine had a beautiful photo she'd taken that she had enlarged. I asked what those blooms were and she told me they were horse chestnut. I'm so glad I got the shots this year. And you're welcome.
I looked at them more closely a few minutes ago. It's safe to say the ones showing now, ain't gonna hold up. :(
But such is life. Bursting with color one moment, dried, shriveled and brown as shit the next.
Mr B, shoot. Oh well, there will be more. Nature is so ephemeral.
How pretty!
I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a pink dogwood. I really like it.
And the horse chestnut is really something too! What a nice introduction to some new trees. Thanks for that.
Danielle, thanks! I feel like, now that I have a camera, that I'm really seeing these things for the first time in my life. I'm so happy that I can share them.
You have a knack with the camera!
Gorgeous photos.
MD, thanks! I appreciate that.
Do you have to give lumps of sugar to the horse chestnut?
I miss dogwood trees. I planted four in the yard of the last parsonage in which I lived and watched them grow. There are no dogwoods on the street where I now live.
JDR, do these grow in your area? I think this particular tree must be many years old. But they are gorgeous.
Nick, dogwoods are such a delicate, lovely spring-blossoming tree. I'm sorry you don't have any where you live right now.
That horse chestnut is amazing. Such colours. Very cool.
Kranki, thanks! I know, I love the colors, too.
Gatito, you know how Mr B is. We love 'im a lot. :)
That tree is on Jefferson, just past Logan. I don't know what all the wind and rain have done to the blooms, but, I think that tree must've been there for years. It'll flower again next year.
Hi Squirl,
There is a chestnut tree in my yard, it's huge. Maybe I should go and look at it, since it's in bloom and all. I have never notice the flowers being so nice either.
Thanks for sharing it here :)
Oh Squirl those are gorgeous. They just are. I wish we could grow dogwood here, but it is too dry. Thanks for sharing.
We have pink dogwood in our yard, but it's just about faded now. The chestnuts around town are going full-tilt, though. We have reddish-pinkish ones too, in addition to the ones I thought were just white until I saw your beautiful photos here!! Thanks for brightening the world with your pictures, sweet sister-o-mine!!
August, I hope you get some really cool pictures of them. I didn't know until recently how cool they were.
Nina, thanks! Hope you're enjoying your vacation, too.
Gatito, it will stop raining some day. The flowers might be gone by then, though...
Eclectic, you are so welcome. You know, I saw some of the pink ones, but couldn't get a good picture. Hope you're doing well.
Wow. BEAUTIFUL trees, Squirl! Thanks for sharing them.
Thanks Squirl, but I don't leave for Mexico until Saturday morning. I doubt I will have internet access down there. So after seven days I may be in serious blog withdraw. ;)
Ladybug, thanks and you're welcome. :)
Nina, oops, I really misunderstood. I kinda wondered how you had internet access. That was one of the things I was happy about when we went to Sedona, wireless internet!
just so's you know, bees really like those horsechestnut blossoms! and if you climb the tree at the wrong time of year, they'll come after you, just so you know....
I've been taking quite a few pics myself again lately. What a gorgeous spring we have eh?! One of the lushest that I remember...
Chestnut is my favorite name for a horse.
Effie, ouch! Sounds like personal experience.
Lori, yes we have.
yup--definitely personal! My Aunt Judy has the biggest horsechestnut tree in her backyard and my siblings and cousins and I often climbed it--my cousin Ben could climb to the top branch...not long after he fell and broke his arm, Uncle Bill chopped off the lowest branch--you know, the one we'd hoist ourselves up with...I wonder why....
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