Another spider story
I always try to be cool around spiders. I know that they kill other bugs and most of them don't bother people. That doesn't mean that I feel comfortable around them.
First I saw this little guy. He was on his back on the stove. I took a clothes pin and turned him over, hoping that he'd take off and go on his merry little way.

A bit later I checked again. He was on his back so I flipped him once more. Even later I checked and there he was, still there, and on his back. I figured, at that point, that he was dying and there was nothing I could do.
Then I was sweeping the floor. I like to get down on my hands and knees to wash the floor. Seems like it ends up much cleaner that way. But as I was sweeping, this character came into view.

Now he was about ten times larger than the one on the stove. I asked him, very politely, to please go back under the stove. I was about the be down there face to face with the very spot where he was creeping around. In fact, he only stopped moving when I got close to him with the camera.
I sure didn't want to kill it. But I wasn't going to kneel down there with it, either. So I grabbed some paper and chased the little sucker around until I finally got him on the paper.
The problem with that is that he wouldn't stay still. He ran toward my left hand, rapidly. So I turned the paper around and he ran toward my right hand. I must've turned that paper around at least ten times before I got it outside on the deck.
When Ichabod came home all he saw was the paper on the deck. Then I got to tell him the whole story. And I was so proud of myself for getting rid of it without killing it.
Y'all have a good weekend!
First I saw this little guy. He was on his back on the stove. I took a clothes pin and turned him over, hoping that he'd take off and go on his merry little way.

A bit later I checked again. He was on his back so I flipped him once more. Even later I checked and there he was, still there, and on his back. I figured, at that point, that he was dying and there was nothing I could do.
Then I was sweeping the floor. I like to get down on my hands and knees to wash the floor. Seems like it ends up much cleaner that way. But as I was sweeping, this character came into view.

Now he was about ten times larger than the one on the stove. I asked him, very politely, to please go back under the stove. I was about the be down there face to face with the very spot where he was creeping around. In fact, he only stopped moving when I got close to him with the camera.
I sure didn't want to kill it. But I wasn't going to kneel down there with it, either. So I grabbed some paper and chased the little sucker around until I finally got him on the paper.
The problem with that is that he wouldn't stay still. He ran toward my left hand, rapidly. So I turned the paper around and he ran toward my right hand. I must've turned that paper around at least ten times before I got it outside on the deck.
When Ichabod came home all he saw was the paper on the deck. Then I got to tell him the whole story. And I was so proud of myself for getting rid of it without killing it.
Y'all have a good weekend!
SMASHED two of those suckers within the past two days, so I'm evening the score for you Sqrrrl.
Thanks for the help, Mr B!
I like your profile pic. :)
You are feeding the problem. This is not part of the final solution.
Doom doom doom on their spider heads. DOOM I SAY.
You got me all twitchy now.
Now I have a twitchy girlfriend.
Oh, the ways I could elaborate on that if this wasn't my sister's blog.
Not only were you brave but patience as well. I don't know if I could have done it . . . I leave them alone outside. Inside if I can't get them out easily I have to shorten their lives.
I'm with Nina. Outside I'm happy to let them be, but in MY house, they're dead meat, because they give me the willies. I would have been shrieking if it was running toward my hand on the paper. Good for you. :)
I'm with the others. Spiders don't creep me out, BUT, I'm sick of webs in my house! I used to take them outside, not anymore.
Outdoor spiders still have my full protection.
Jess, I'm trying to train them to go outside. I guess that doesn't work the same as it does for puppies.
But I don't like to clean up the squished mess, either. Sorry for the twitches.
Bucky, I warned you, now didn't I? I sent you the warning e-mail. It's up to you now to do whatever the twitches need. ;)
Nina, I didn't feel very brave. But I didn't have the heart to kill it for wandering in. Outside spiders definitely get mercy. I really didn't think the sucker was going to run toward my hands, either, though.
Ern, I thought maybe, in the interest of science, you might let them live. Of course, outside, they can be bird food.
And I wasn't one bit thrilled that he ran toward me. I know he was only trying to get away, but I'm sure "oh, shit" was repeated many times until I got him out the door.
Amber, I'm with you on the wasps thing. I had one crawl up my pants leg once and it stung me many times next to my, um, monkey before I could get my pants off and kill it.
Death to wasps is a very good motto. It's interesting to see a spider fan here, especially of the female gender. :)
tshsmom, yeah, I don't like the webs around either. It is a pain to keep it all clean with those around.
Kittn, that's a good one about your dating experience. :b
That little sucker was a bit jumpy. I hope you didn't have too many webs to deal with when cleaning up your new place.
They got the likeness down pretty well I thought. :)
Ah, I see I'm not the only one with the attitude that outside spiders can be left alone, but inside ones must DIE DIE DIE!
Excuse me for that little outburst, but I've been creeped out by spiders since I was young.
I'm usually ok with spiders, except I've been cleaning the garage all day and coming across black widows and their empty egg sacs (probably not the correct term.) Great, there are even more running about!
I'm pretty grossed out right now.
Ahhhhh!!! CrAzY!!! AWESOME POST! I hope you have a GREAT weekend!
Mr B, I agree.
Danielle, I remember you weren't fond of the snake pictures before. Sorry about the spides. :)
Sierrabella, I don't blame you on the black widow spiders. I would probably kill them, too.
Jon, thanks! You have a great one, too.
You are a braver lady than I am.
Kranki, Yoshi doesn't help much, either, does she. :)
Hope you're feeling better.
Gah! You're a braver soul than I am, Squirl-Bob. My fear of spiders is so much that I can't even kill them without having the heebie-jeebies. I make someone else get rid of it. And I don't care how.
Right after I read your post, a spider, just like the one in the bottom picture, crawled out from behind my microwave. The bugger's too fast to catch! :(
Jim, I can't say that hasn't happened to me in the past. Can't say it won't happen again. But I was there by myself and I wanted to wash that floor so it was dry when Ichabod came home. I didn't want to clean up the squashed mess, either.
tshsmom, aren't those little buggers fast? Now you can see what I was up against as I scrambled to keep turning that paper around. He was fast and I didn't want him ON me.
I love your spider conversations, for you are one with me. Since I was a kid, I have carrying unwanted crawly creatures out-of-doors rather than follow my mother’s orders to smash them.
THAT was one big, girl! I'm proud of you, that you managed to not kill it!
There was a big black ant on the lamp near the back door yesterday and I grabbed a kleenex to get rid of it, but I couldn't bring myself to squash him--too creepy--so I let him crawl onto the Kleenex and carried him outside, but that bugger, like your spider, kept crawling towards me--freaked me out--and BOY did I move fast then!!
I wasn't nearly so kind with the centipede I saw earlier--SMUSH!
Spiders don't bother me. My daughter on the other hand, god help us if one comes within her range of vision, what with the blood-curdling scream and spider-dance, and "killitkillitkillitkillit" at high pitch AND volume... Can I put her outside instead? I mean, at least the spiders are silent. ;)
Nick, good for you, disobeying your mother on this one. It seems kinda scary at the time, but you do feel better about yourself afterward.
Effe, thanks! The squish can be pretty gross sometimes.
Eclectic, how does your daughter handle six- and eight-legged critters when you're camping?
I'll bet the spiders are quieter than your daughter. :)
You are so polite to the spiders, Squirl. If Deputy Dad's not home and I have to deal with one, it goes into the trash. Blech.
Oh, and by the way: clothespins are not for spiders. They are for nipples.
Ladybug, I don't really know why I've had such a soft spot for spiders. I just know that they get rid of bugs. But they're still creepy!
Bucky, um, TMI???
I hate the crunch noise and feel they make when you squish them, so I try to let them be. Unless, of course, I see one near my bed, then I get all paranoid that it'll crawl into my orifices as i sleep. In that case, I do what anyone would: wake up the boyfriend and polietly ask him to take care of it :)
the 1st one you showed, i felt kinda sad for it. but that second one,yuck. i have no clue how you managed to get that one outside safely. good job, squirl :)
I can feel the BIG goose bumps on my arms from just looking at those pictures.....I can't imagine sleeping if I would come across that spider in my house.....ewwwww
Thanks, Dawn! Yeah, the crunch/squish is pretty gross, too.
Judy, I think he looks bigger in the picture than he was in real life. Probably only an inch across, including his legs.
Bone, hmmmm, I just can't imagine.
But listen to it twice for me. :)
Wait, is this nipple-taunting coming from the same person who almost stopped blogging last week?????
I will be posting again. Just don't taunt me.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
(o) (o)
Clothes pin, anyone? Hee! I can't bug you about not posting -- I would but I'm living in a rather fragile glass house, myself.
Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, what am I gonna do with you? What girl would taunt her own sister with her nipples? That's just tooooo weird.
Kittn, I miss you too. Hope you're doing okay.
Eclectic, ah, yes, people who live in glass blogs...
Okay, everyone, I don't have anything but more pictures for you, so that's my next post.
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