Grafitti and stuff
Ichabod and I took a walk a week or so ago. We walked around an area that wasn't terribly populated. There was some interesting grafitti there.
I really liked this one.

Here's the closeup.

Here was some more on the same building.

Here was an abandoned thermometer.

This was a painted over sign on a building. It reminds me of something from the Beatles Yellow Submarine.

I had to take this picture. Acme always makes me think of Wile E Coyote.

Then, a week ago Friday, we walked over to the west side and I got some pictures of a scrapyard.

Too hot to go for a walk today. Maybe I'm a Michigan wuss, but 94 degrees is a bit warm for me to exercise outside. :)
I really liked this one.

Here's the closeup.

Here was some more on the same building.

Here was an abandoned thermometer.

This was a painted over sign on a building. It reminds me of something from the Beatles Yellow Submarine.

I had to take this picture. Acme always makes me think of Wile E Coyote.

Then, a week ago Friday, we walked over to the west side and I got some pictures of a scrapyard.

Too hot to go for a walk today. Maybe I'm a Michigan wuss, but 94 degrees is a bit warm for me to exercise outside. :)
Coooooooool!!! You find the best stuff to photograph!! There really is a lot to learn about sociology in studying graffiti sometimes, isn't there? Hope you get out of your heatwave soon!
Thanks! Yes, there are some really interesting themes in this "artwork". And I think it's supposed to be in the 80s this week.
TV does not lie, now take that back!
Mr B, where's your grafitti stating that sports = evil?
It's in my mind where all of my other good grafitti theories are, just floating around on clouds of cotton candy.
It's right next to the one that blinks that says:
Mondays+Work=Great Suckage
Mr B, I think that one works superbly.
The angel and the TV lies were interesting. Some of the other faces and letters looked artsy too. Of course, I can never quite get over how destructive graffiti is. Or at least how expensive it is to remove it. But the artist in me does appreciate the talent the artists who do it must possess.
And if you are an MI wuss, than I am a MN wuss, because I think it is far too hot to go walking outside.
Danielle, I know what you mean about the destructive part of grafitti. In the case of buildings that are practically deserted and in a little-used part of town, they do add an artistic touch. I like the artwork kind of grafitti, not the ones that are just the swear words.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's too hot. ;)
Acme makes me think of the old Looney Tunes cartoons, too! We have an Acme Brick here in Texas, and I always chuckle when I see one of their trucks.
Okay, I have to say, I LOVE the angel! I think it's the only angel I'v ever liked. :/
I love the graffiti. It has a message. I like that.
Unfortunately we still have great suckage on this end. Anyone, anyone? Beuhler?
Ladybug, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Again, another thing we have in common.
Courtney, I'm not always big on angels either. But this one really intrigued me.
Kranki, it really does have a message. It's not just a bunch of swear words that somebody scrawled. It is art, darn it. :)
Mr B, I hope the suckage is done for you for today.
It's amazing what some people can do with a can of spray paint. Too bad they're wasting their talent.
Danielle, I'm a MN wuss too. It's definitely too damned hot!!
The abandoned thermometer - I sure hope it wasn't the rectal kind.
And "Truth sits on the lips of dead men" reminds me of that part in Clerks where the dude is talkin' about his friend who died trying to give himself a blow job. "That's how they found him...balls restin' on his lips."
tshsmom, there really is a lot of talent in some of that grafitti. Too bad they can't do approved murals.
Bucky, if that's a rectal thermometer then I don't wanna know who could actually use it.
For some reason, I don't think that line was supposed to conjure that kind of image. leave it to my twisted little sister...
Those are great pictures. New reader here. Come by and visit.
Bone, isn't it just the saddest thing? I was hopin' you'd like the art work.
Kittn, thanks! I hope you're feeling better already. Looking forward to seeing you.
Wordgirl, welcome! Thank you. And I will definitely stop by.
You have such a terrific eye! I always love your pics!
That was some unique and forceful art you photographed. I agree; today it has been too hot to go for a walk. It is too hot to go anywhere. Unfortunately, I went to a town called Shelbyville and was very hot.
I loved the angel. The cloud over the Acme building looks almost cartoony! Love it. We have some really good grafitti here in Seattle along the industrial section. Some of these people are VERY talented.
Thanks, GWB, I really appreciate that.
Nick, some very interesting viewpoints in this artwork. I do think we're about to get some cooler weather by this weekend.
Jim, that angel is unique. I know you're busy, but that would be cool if you could get some shots of the grafitti in your area. I'd love to see it.
I love the graffiti ~ to me they are just like petroglyphs because they tell a story. Thanks for sharing these.
Still too hot to go out today (except in the office--I'm SHIVERING--the A/C is pumping through the building!)
I like the angel pic, but what's he saying?
ACME....aaaah Wile E. Coyote memories flooding back to me.....
Great pics--as usual!
Nina, petroglyphs, I like that. I'll think of them as that now.
Effie, I think the angel might be saying the artist's initials. shrugging shoulders
I can't believe that they're not freezing me out here today. I'm wearing short sleeves and not looking for my sweater. :)
I like the angel's picture squirl;)I think you ought to print that one and frame it.
JDR, on the backs of abandoned old factories the artwork is cool. There are places, though, where it's just vandalism.
Bone, and I can picture an approving gnome in the corner. :)
Lori, thanks! That angel really intrigued me.
Then that would be the perfect juxtaposition.
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