A trip through the Garden Part 2
Of course there were many more plants there. Here are various shots that I got. That time of year is the orchid exhibit, too. So, yes, I had to get some of those too.

Here is the start of the orchids. I like 'em best when I click on them and choose All Sizes so I can see the large version.

Well, that's it for part two. Hope you enjoyed it.

Here is the start of the orchids. I like 'em best when I click on them and choose All Sizes so I can see the large version.

Well, that's it for part two. Hope you enjoyed it.
Am I first?
Love the orchids! They didn't all download for me, but I'll try again or go to Flickr.
What, no Ichabod???
Sierrabella, yes, you are first! So nice to see you. I'm always sorry for folks with dial-up when I put up the pictures. I just can't help myself.
Ichabod didn't go with me on that trip. I went with a friend of mine. She's the one who's taught me just about everything I know about flowers and photograghy.
Jeckyll Island Georgia Old Keith would LOVE these images.
Mr B, I'm a little slow today, but I think your message is a joke on Georgia O'Keefe???
Slow you ain't Sqrrrl. Right on the cashola I'd say. :)
All right! I hate to miss a good pun. :)
A good one? Wear, wear?!?!
Holy crap...those are great pictures. I hope Michigan is cooler right now than Texas is.
Wowzer, those are some beautiful pictures! The one of the "green and white" orchid looks a bit like a funny face. :)
Mr B, they're, they're
Wordgirl, thanks! Yes, it is cooler here, even though it's pretty warm by our standards. I don't know how you stand it there. I have been over to your blog just haven't commented. :)
CK, thanks! I love those flowers. Even though they're gorgeous, they are kinda clown-like. Maybe they should be on your circus blog. tee hee
The MN Zoo has a great butterfly garden. It's always one of our first stops when visiting there.
tshsmom, I'm so glad you get this experience, too. There's nothing quite like it.
That was a great shot of those brightly-colored butterflies. It looks like they had quite a variety in the exhibit! The one I've been to only had 3 or 4 types of butterflies.
And the orchids! W.O.W. Just gorgeous varieties. You've got some frame-able shots here. Really quite lovely.
I was surprised at the one that was white and all ruffly. It doesn't even look like an orchid to me. But the purple one that is ruffly makes it so I can kind of tell how the white one might have evolved, so to speak.
Really lovely photos. Good job on those.
I feel like I've just been to a pretty factory!
I love the orchids!
Nice pictures, Squirl.
Danielle, they do a pretty good job of getting a variety of butterflies. It's only for a couple of months so I guess they can be extravagant. I know those flowers look so different but they were in with the other orchids. I was fascinated by them all. Thanks!!
Amber, you're welcome. I'm glad to share the pretty. Thanks!
I do love me some orchids!! Stunning photos, sis!! And those flutterbyes?? WOW! What vivid colors!! Thanks for the beauty-break!
I love the butterfly shots. And, is it just me, or do those first few orchid shots look really...umm...erotic?
Eclectic, thanks, and you're so welcome. I feel that it's just as much fun to show my pictures as it was to be there in the first place.
Bone, why thank you. Maybe we could display some of my photos with your styrofoam art display.
Ladybug, thanks! So, um, are you and Deputy Dad going to be checking out any orchid shots tonight? wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
Bone, I know they're exotic plants. Maybe erotic is more the word for it.
Some of those flowers look as if they are faces--ready for dinner and hungry! They remind me of "Little Shop of Horrors", a musical I was in once...as a Doo-Wop Girl...ah, yes, those were the days...
Alarm goes off at 7 and you start up to-own
You put in your eight hours
For the powers
That have always been
Til it's five p. m.
Then you go DOWNTOWN
Where the folks are broke
Where your life's a joke
Where depression's just Status Quo
Down on SKID ROW
Down on SKID ROW
Down on skid row, down on skid row, down on skid ROOOOOOW!
and so on, and so forth...
um, I mean--lovely pics once again--I love orchids...and so many pretty butterflies...
Those orchids are incredible. My mom can grow them like nobody's business but I killed one off in less than 2 weeks.
Effie, Little Shop of Horrors could be reall scary if set in a place like this. :) Thanks!
Kranki,, thanks. I know, I didn't have to grow these, either. Makes me tempted to try one, though.
Bone, um, I would rather look at your foam art than impressionist paintings any day. I know, I was just at the art museum last Sunday.
I LOVE the fog coming from the water bed. That's so cool.
I have never tried to grow orchids. Some say it's difficult, some say it's easy. Maybe I'll just stick with my plastic geraniums.
Jim, I have more fog pictures coming in the third set. Hope you like those, too. And those plastic geraniums will never let you down.
My Grandmother still works thre every Wed. She also has a free pass for me that she gets every so many hours of volunteering, which is over 3000 hours now. I love my Grandma so very, very much. Those plants have been in there for years now and at one time, her Gardenia was on display in the little Victorian Garden for a good 5 years. Now we have a family brick in there. Interesting place. My local Flickr group may be taking a trip through the acerage there this coming month which is something I am looking forward too.
Lori, now that I've met your grandmother I'll look for her if I go on a Wednesday. Hope you have a great time when you go. I'll have to check out your pictures.
Beautiful photos. I’m impressed. I am also envious, but don’t tell anyone about my envy.
JDR, thanks!
Kittn, thank you and you're welcome.
Nick, thanks, and, um that last bit, it's just between you and me. ;)
I LOVE orchids ... BEAUTIFUL pics, darlin' ...
Nilbo, thanks! So nice to see you around. :)
I find orchids hard to resist, but since I tend to kill even sturdy plants, I've thus far avoided owning any.
Bucky, I think they're gorgeous, too. Have never tried to grow any, though. Glad you enjoyed.
HB, thanks! That would be great for the flowers. I think it might get a little weird or gross, depending on who's blogging. ;)
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