Meet Annie
I have a new love in my life. Now before you start feeling sorry for Ichabod, the new sweetie is his parents' puppy. They had a beautiful Afghan for six years before they had to put her to sleep last October. Ichabod's mother has been longing for a new dog ever since.
She'd thought about getting a labradoodle or maybe another afghan. I don't know what changed her mind but last Sunday they drove up north and came home with Annie. And, yes, she is as soft as she looks.
Annie was snoozing away when I first got there. No rest for puppies when there's a camera around.

She has a load of toys. For some reason, she only wants one of them out of her bed at a time though. If you throw them around she'll gather them up and put them back.

Anybody who's read Dooce will know what I'm talking about when I call her the baby Chupacabra here.

As you can see here, going outside to pee is all business.

I love catching her here in midscratch.

She really is a good, smart girl and wouldn't have an accident like this. So I had to get Bucky to help me fix up a picture to show how life would be if she weren't so good.

Any of these pictures can be seen in a larger version if you click on it and choose All Sizes.
She'd thought about getting a labradoodle or maybe another afghan. I don't know what changed her mind but last Sunday they drove up north and came home with Annie. And, yes, she is as soft as she looks.
Annie was snoozing away when I first got there. No rest for puppies when there's a camera around.

She has a load of toys. For some reason, she only wants one of them out of her bed at a time though. If you throw them around she'll gather them up and put them back.

Anybody who's read Dooce will know what I'm talking about when I call her the baby Chupacabra here.

As you can see here, going outside to pee is all business.

I love catching her here in midscratch.

She really is a good, smart girl and wouldn't have an accident like this. So I had to get Bucky to help me fix up a picture to show how life would be if she weren't so good.

Any of these pictures can be seen in a larger version if you click on it and choose All Sizes.
All I can say is "AWWWW!"
Another chupacabra?! uh oh, the world is getting infested with them!
I remember when I was growing up that the local news stations would do a "Chupacabra Investigation" about twice a year and it always scared the crap out of me.
My friends parents would always be like, "If you aren't good, the chupacabra might get to you!"
It was a very weird world I grew up in....
Did anyone else grow up with the goat blood sucker at their back door?
Oh, and I meant to say, also:
That dog is sooo cute!
And nice job with the pee picture. For a second I thought it was real.
Hi Amber. I never heard of the chupacabra until I read Dooce. Thanks, I think she's a cutie, too!
And Bucky's so good with the Photoshop. :-)
That is one cutie pie. I almost (almost) feel bad about the 'hopped pee.
I met a full grown golden retriever tonight when we checked out a house. They still look like babies even when they're full grown.
Cute puppy alert!
Love the last photo, though. :oD
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! Brizzy has a girlfriend!!!!! Yay!! And she's sooooo pretty!
Isn't it amazing how good natured they are, even as babies?? They're so smart! And soooooooo soft!
Awwwww, I'm so happy!
Eclectic, I was hoping you'd see these. Isn't she adorable. Yep, Brizzy's new girlfriend. I thought he was a golden. They are really good. Cassie, the afghan, was a pain as a puppy.l I still loved her, but Annie is soooo good in comparison.
There are more pictures on Flickr. I just picked a few to show her off.
Puppies good, antifreeze urine...baaaaaaad.
awwwwwwwwwww puuuuuuuuhppy! I just looked at the slideshow of pics tagged with annie. awwwww!
I really like the first one of her chewing on the thing that is a cross between an animal and a soccer ball.
In some of them, she looks suspicious. "are you coming over here to take my toys?"
"You DO know that these are MY toys, right? and they stay next to me, right here, where I can keep an eye on them"
she is just precious.
Love the wee tail.
SHE'S A DOOR BELL! How sweet!
I will hug her, and pet her, and squeeze her, and stroke her long ears...
What a beautiful animal! Seeing pictures of puppies really makes me which I had one. Of course, Alex the Cat continually dashes that wish whenever we have a canine visitor.
P.S.~ Squirl, never worry about losing your status as the "classy" sister.
Aww she is beautiful!!!! She can come join the dog pack here any time at all!
So fuzzy, ahhh I love puppies.
MD, I missed you there! Yes, she's so darn cute. I'm going to try to get over to visit often enough to get photographic evidence of her growth. Thanks!
Mr B, tee hee. Bucky's good with that stuff.
Danielle, she does look possessive doesn't she? But she's too young and slow to do anything about it yet. Thanks!
Jim, yes, I'm sure she is. Okay, is that from a cartoon? It sounds familiar.
SS Nick, with our schedules and allergies pets won't coming to our house anytime soon. But it sure makes you wish you had one when you see pictures like this.
Thanks, I see you've been to Bucky's blog. :-)
Jess, I'll bet she'd have a great time with Ninny and Moo. She still cries a bit at night. How did Moo take the change? Such sweet fuzzy puppies.
squirl - "a door bell" - what my nephews used to say instead of 'adorable' when they were toddlers.
Yes, it's from a Bugs Bunny cartoon (with the Abominable Snowman)
OH so SWEEET! Love the pics--she's adorable!
I'm waiting for the CHukacraba pics...
Happy Friday!
=Walk me for Bjorn?
Jim--you forgot to say "And call her George..."
effie - and name her George. :) (if she's not a bunny rabbit, how come she has lon-gears?)
OMGosh is she adorable!! I love the pic with the stuffed toys all around.
We used to have a dog, when the boys went to their dads in GR, she would get all their stuffed animals-many of them- carry them into the living room to sleep with them.
But, if I were to leave- she would chew my shoes!! How did she know the difference??
Annie is just TOO cute! I have to come back and check out the other photos!
What a cute little dude. Little stinkers always make life more fun
Jim, that makes sense. I thought you meant she'd bark when someone came to the door. She is a little cutie. Just not named George. :-)
Effie, thanks, and Happy Friday to you, too!
Chia, isn't she just adorable. I'm totally in love with that little ball of fur. Yes, everyone should check out the rest of them on Flickr, at least in medium size.
Lawbrat, your dog would sleep with the kids' stuffed toys but chew your shoes. She knew you were the adult so, of course, it was your fault if she were left alone, hmmmm. I don't know how they get that stuff. Thanks!
August, thanks! Yeah, Ichabod's mom couldn't take it anymore she had to have a dog. I think Annie's gonna be a good one. :-)
Thanks, Nina, I know we're going to have a lot of fun with her. So looking forward to taking the pictures. By the time I thought about taking pictures of Cassie she was already sick and it was too hard to get a decent shot of her.
I just checked out all the other pics of her. What an adorable little thing, with SO MUCH personality already! Your pics really are great at capturing more than just a picture.
Lawbrat, I'm glad you had time to check out the rest of them. Doesn't she seem to be bubbling over with personality? It makes taking pictures easy. :-)
Seriously cute. I needs me some puppy lovin'.
Awwwww!!! She looks just like our dog when he was a puppy.
"It's IMPOSSIBLE not to smile in the presence of one or more puppies."
Kranki, I'm sending the puppy's love, virtually, to you along with BIG hugs right now. But seriously, Yoshi would have something to say if you brought a puppy into the house. :-)
tshsmom, you are sooooooo right. They bring on the smiles. I can't wait until I visit Annie again. Maybe this weekend.
OK, you were holding out on us! The pix in Flickr are sooooo cute!! Goldens are incredibly photogenic, which is good in Brizzy's case since I'm no whiz with a camera... and Goldens are also amazingly intuitive. So eager to please, you just can't love 'em enough!!! She's darling!
OK, now I've had time to immunize myself from some of the effects of too much cute, I'm looking at the first pic. here and seeing that the person holding Annie is wearing a sling. I hope that's nothing permanent?
Eclectic, can you see why I had trouble deciding which pictures to put on this post? She is a very good subject. About the sling, that's Ichabod's dad. He had shoulder surgery right after Christmas and it's healing quite well. He'll be using the sling for a while now but it's definitely getting better. Thank you for asking.
Thanks, Bridget.
Kylz, is it just puppies or are you getting to that point where you're thinking about kids. :-)
Oh, GOLDEN PUPPY! So cute. Brings back memories of growing up with our golden.
Moo hasnt really had any seperation anxiety, but I think thats because she has Ninny to chew on...
Oh, Ern, you had a golden as a child? How cool. I hear they're really great dogs.
Jess, so she substituted Ninny for a mother figure and felt right at home. Like you wouldn't make any pet feel immediately at home anyway...
Puppies are good for what ails ya. Annie is a beauty. And I love her name, too.
Susie, yes they are. Thanks. I stopped back over tonight to see her. She was mostly sleepy.
Bone, so she even got to you, huh? She is such a sweetie.
Jack D, okay, I'll check it out.
Oh, you weren't kidding, Squirl! She's ADORABLE! Puppy pictures DEFINITELY make me smile. Thanks for that.
Big hugs to you, dear. And a scratch behind the ears to Annie.
Ladybug, I'm so glad you got to see the puppy pictures. I'm even more pleased to see that you got a chance to comment.
Hugs back to you and will tell Annie the next ear scratches are from you. :-)
So Cute and cuddlely....that is one smart dog, putting her toys away.....My Maxie is part golden....
Hi Judy, nice to see you here. She is so cuddly. I'll bet your dog is sweet. Goldens always seem to be sweet.
Awwwww. I love the puppy, and the little boy with the parmesan cheese canister is priceless!
Wow, I totally put the comment about the boy with cheese on the wrong post. Whoops, you know what I meant though!
Adrienne, welcome to the Nest! I know exactly what you meant. In fact, I'm pleased. That means you've looked at a number of my posts. Thanks!
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