Squirl's Nest

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'm Just Wild About Harry

Okay everybody, here's where the real geeky nerd comes out in me. It's less than three months to the release of book six of the Harry Potter series. It's called Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I know they're supposed to be written for kids but I know plenty of adults who are avid fans. Some of us might even be rabid fans.

When it comes out I will go to store and pick up my reserved copy. No, I'm not that nuts to go at midnight with all the kids. I will go home and do nothing but read and eat the rest of the day. I will probably finish it before I go to bed. The last one was about 900 pages. I didn't get it delivered until almost noon. By the time I was over 700 pages into it I couldn't see straight anymore and had to put the thing down until morning.

There it is for the world (blog-world anyway) to see. I'm a geeky Harry Potter fan. So don't expect a post or comments from me on July 16th. J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter will have my full attention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm thinking "Rabid Squirl", huh?

Oh, and there are FLYING Squirls over at Danielle's place. Have you seen them?


Thu Apr 28, 04:26:00 PM  
Blogger Nilbo said...

(whispers) I'm a Harry Potter fans, too. Shhh. It's geeky. But (looks around, leans in conspiratorially): We're not alone.

So is Stephen King. And Peter Straub. And dozens of other authors who know that a good story transcends age.

J.K. Rowland passed Queen Elizabeth to become the richest woman in England. She didn't do it by writing books that only kids want to read.

In our house, my oldest daughter (who works at a bookstore) gets first dibs. The rest of us draw lots. And on a Sunday morning, we're as liable to be talking about Hedwig and Dumbledore as we are anything else.

On my last tour in England, I went to the castle that doubles for Hogwarts in the movie. This time 'round, because my daughters are coming, we're going to King's Cross Train Station and we fully intend to have a picture of them jumping into the pillar.

And if some people reading this don't know what that means, then you really ought to read the books.

Thu Apr 28, 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Ladybug, I need to read about Danielle's flying squirrels. Is that recent. Well, I'll just click on your link.

Nilbo - I'm so excited! You're a for real Harry Potter fan, too. Most people I know only understand Hedwig, Dumbledore and Platform 9 and 3/4 from my incessant blathering about the books. I've read every one of them more than once.

I wasn't sure I'd like the movies as they change the story to fit, but I've learned to see them as an entirely different entity on their own.

I would love to see the castle and visit King's Cross Station. I'm so jillis.

I'm glad that J.K. has made a lot of money. She writes an interesting, I say compelling, story. Story after story.

Thu Apr 28, 06:26:00 PM  
Blogger Squirl said...

And, Nilbo, because I'm particular about grammar and know a little bit about a lot of things Ichabod sometimes calls me Hermione. If only I were really that smart!

Thu Apr 28, 06:50:00 PM  
Blogger Weetzie said...

We are HP fans at our house too! I have already pre-ordered 2 copies so my 2nd born and I don't fight over them. 1st born will be home from college then so we will probably fight over them anyway but I figure he is old enough to get his own copy! hahaha. I worked in the children's section of a bookstore when this all started and I have attended many a HP event. I am telling you, if you work in a book store...it doesn't seem geeky at all! I need to re-read the last one to refresh before the new one. Shall we have a countdown?

Thu Apr 28, 06:52:00 PM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Weetzie I'm all for a countdown. Too lazy at the moment to count the days, but I will.

I talked to a guy at work who was reading book number 5 with his family one chapter a night. One chapter a night???? I could do that, maybe, after I'd read the book two or three times already.

As much as I love books I've wondered if I should work in a bookstore or even be a librarian. At least I work a job where my evenings and weekends are my own and I can read to my heart's content.

Are you saying the HP events are worth going to? I thought maybe it was a bunch of screaming kids. Maybe...

Thu Apr 28, 07:09:00 PM  
Blogger Candy said...

I already have my copy ordered to be delivered here. last time i got to read it first cause my son was gone, this time I think we will have to arm wrestle for it.

He is way bigger then me, Im screwed unless I cheat.

Thu Apr 28, 08:50:00 PM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Jess, you gotta find the money somewhere to get another book. There's nothing like diving right into it as soon as you can get your hands on it.

That might've sounded dirty but I'm really only talking about Harry Potter books. :-)

Thu Apr 28, 08:53:00 PM  
Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Squirl, I think you're aroused by your HP books.

Maybe I need to read them thangs...

Thu Apr 28, 09:22:00 PM  
Blogger greatwhitebear said...

Ithink the worst kept secret around is that more adults read HP than kids!

Thu Apr 28, 09:27:00 PM  
Blogger Spurious Nurse said...

My husband's nothing but a J.K. Rowling whore too. Potter Nuts...sheesh.

Enjoy, sweetie.

Thu Apr 28, 10:28:00 PM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Rcat Another fan. Yay! You have more HP stuff than I do. I do have the little books about the Magical Creatures and Quidditch history.

Bucky You really need to read these. They're well written and page-turners.

GreatWhite I love it that so many adults read them. It's funny, but I probably wouldn't have read them at all if it hadn't been for the Christian Fundamentalists who were fighting about them. Curiosity got the better of me.

Plum We really must seem like nuts to people who don't read HP. :-) I can see why. We're really into them. If you ever get a chance you might want to give 'em a try. Can't guarantee you'd like them, but you never know.

Fri Apr 29, 09:00:00 AM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Thanks Rcat, I'll go there right now.

Fri Apr 29, 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Another Harry Potter fan. My sister got me hooked on them when she asked for the first 2 for a Christmas present.

I have been debating about going to a bookstore for the release this year. Last time, I thought it was pretty silly sounding. A couple of months later, I talked to one of my college friends who is an Lit Professor now and she told me about how neat it was to be in Barnes and Nobles on the night of the release. She said part of the excitement was the sense of community about it.

It is so much fun to find other people who love to read them... too bad we don't all live in the same vicinity so that we can hang out at a bookstore together waiting for midnight.

Sat Apr 30, 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Danielle, another Harry Potter fan! This is so cool.

I wish we could all hang out together for the next release. I'm beginning to feel like I really know the people with whom I blog on a regular basis. Oh well, this is a big continent and we can't all be together that night. But we can blog about the next book after we read it. :-)

Sat Apr 30, 11:45:00 PM  
Blogger Opera Gal said...

Squirl - I had to comment after I saw what you said about the guy reading 1 chapter a night to his family.
I personally found that particularly charming - what you may or may not know is that is how Charles' Dickens books were originally published - one chapter at a time, in a newspaper - it was the 1850's version of a soap opera or serialized radio/tv show. People would jones all week until the "sheet" came out, and gather round after dinner on a Sunday to hear it read out loud, since there often was only 1 or 2 people in the family who could read, based on their income level, etc. anyway, i digress a hell of a lot, but wanted to share.

Sat May 07, 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger Squirl said...

Opera, that's really interesting, thanks. You'll find that I'm a fact junky. Can't remember why I walked into a particular room, but I can pull out all kinds of unrelated, unnecessary facts. Waiting for Harry Potter chapters really shows love for the family in my book. Pun intended. :-)

Sat May 07, 10:14:00 AM  

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