My buddy, Sammy
A lot of people blog about their animals. I don’t have any, haven’t for years. But I used to have pets, mostly cats. And there was one particular cat that stands out amongst the rest.
His name was Sammy. His coat was slightly longer than a short-haired cat’s. It had a sheen to it that went from silver to gray to almost black. He was slightly long in the nose, kinda like a Siamese cat. AND he had personality galore.
He was a stubborn boy. When he was particularly naughty I would stand nose-to-nose with him and we’d have a staredown. When he lost one of those it was done grudgingly.
Like all cats he figured nothing, especially food, was off-limits for him. I know he got a belly-ache the time he ate the bread dough. Never stopped him from trying to get into more, though.
One time my parents were watching him, don’t know if I was on vacation or what. Now breakfast was not a very formal affair at my parents place, especially on the weekend. On Friday they’d go out and buy doughnuts, Twinkies, King Dons, all that kind of stuff. Then they’d leave it in a paper grocery sack on the kitchen floor so everyone could help him or herself.
It just so happened that the box of Twinkies had been opened and one had been eaten. That meant there were eleven left in the box. The first person that got up Saturday morning found the other eleven on the floor. There was one bite out of every one.
It had to be Sammy. He could smell it and it smelled good. But the taste of that plastic wrapping was more than he could handle. I know the family was probably ticked about losing those Twinkies, but the laughs we’ve had over it since then were worth it.
His name was Sammy. His coat was slightly longer than a short-haired cat’s. It had a sheen to it that went from silver to gray to almost black. He was slightly long in the nose, kinda like a Siamese cat. AND he had personality galore.
He was a stubborn boy. When he was particularly naughty I would stand nose-to-nose with him and we’d have a staredown. When he lost one of those it was done grudgingly.
Like all cats he figured nothing, especially food, was off-limits for him. I know he got a belly-ache the time he ate the bread dough. Never stopped him from trying to get into more, though.
One time my parents were watching him, don’t know if I was on vacation or what. Now breakfast was not a very formal affair at my parents place, especially on the weekend. On Friday they’d go out and buy doughnuts, Twinkies, King Dons, all that kind of stuff. Then they’d leave it in a paper grocery sack on the kitchen floor so everyone could help him or herself.
It just so happened that the box of Twinkies had been opened and one had been eaten. That meant there were eleven left in the box. The first person that got up Saturday morning found the other eleven on the floor. There was one bite out of every one.
It had to be Sammy. He could smell it and it smelled good. But the taste of that plastic wrapping was more than he could handle. I know the family was probably ticked about losing those Twinkies, but the laughs we’ve had over it since then were worth it.
Awwwww. Sammy-do! I miss that silly boy. But at least now my fuckin' Twinkies are safe.
I almost called him Sammy-do in the title. He was so funny. But, yes, unles Bad Dog Snickers digs Twinkies, then they should be safe.
Here we call "King Dons", "Ding Dongs."
Ah, the cultural differences of our wonderful melting pot.
I had a dog, Annie, who once took advantage of my brief absence frmo the kitchen while I was making Grilled Cheese sandwiches. She snarfled up the entire loaf of cheese.
They were individually wrapped slices. The following week was painful for us all.
But, as I never tired of reminding Annie: "This too shall pass ..."
Our babies are soo rotten like that. Its so funny he did that cause ours do it too. They open the pantry and steal stuff, just this weekend they took off with an entire bag of quaker rice cakes. Yes those little styrafoam things you eat. They steal packs of crackers, have chewed into a box of raisin bran, push canned goods out hoping they will burst open I guess.
And these cats always always have food. Trust me. Have you seen Rowdy or Buttercup in their mugshot pics?
They just do it to prove they can. Little bastards.
Mr. B, I remember that they were called Ding Dongs too. I wonder if I was still living in Kentucky at the time, though.
Nilbo, I see you also see the wisdom in this too shall pass.
Jess, you were the one who inspired me to finally write about Sammy. He had similar coloring to your Wobbles. But we know that cats are always trying to prove their superiority and that they rule. And, yes, Sammy had plenty of cat food. They just HAVE to do it.
I need to add Ding Dongs to the list I guess. Watch out fellow Wal-Martians! I'm on a goody mission!
Tardist, I would have been pretty pissed if I'd seen that, too.
Mr B, save some for me...
Good Sam cat. I had a kitty named Sam that ate fries, but Twinkies are the next level...
Ms Plum, all of my cats ate Twinkies, but then that's because I did. At least I did back in the day when I could eat all the junk food I wanted and never gain an ounce. sigh
Well, I'm confused now. At first I thought you were speaking of the little yellow snack cake Twinkies. But Bucky seems to think the cat was after her, um, Twinkies. So, the cat was a boob man?
Save some? As if!
LadyBug, you know how it is...
Once they get a bite o' the old Twinkies, they never wanna go away...
Ladybug, you know how Bucky is....
Courtney, I don't think we'll ever understand cats. It's part of their mysterious personas.
Mr. B, well, whatever. See if I bring you any Twinkies next time I'm in Kentucky.
Oh, gosh, ok. I'll save ya damn Ding Dong!
I thought twinkies were yellow cake with cream filling. My favorite snack cake was Funny Bones, chocolate with peanut butter filling. I used to have a cat, Sam, who was orange. I came home today to find the remains of a loaf of Pepperidge Farm Sourdough bread, and its wrappings, all throughout the first floor of the house. The VBD did it. See, squirl, I identify with you on so many levels. I can't wait until you arrive to live with me forever. I bought you fair and square on Bucky's blog.
Susie what do you think Bucky will do with the suitcase? I don't care, I'm just looking forward to the soul music...
I have never heard stories of cats eating such odd things (your cat and some of the others mentioned here). Dogs, yes, they are almost like goats in the idea that they will eat anything. But cats? not so much.
funny story. :-)
Danielle, glad you liked the story. There are so many Sammy stories that I could tell. Maybe more on another day.
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