Okay, we're getting more clear days than normal and I'm trying to take advantage of it. This was a pretty sunrise. I'm so bummed because sunset was spectacular and I was on the highway and couldn't stop to get a picture. But here's the sunrise anyway.

Sunrises are prettier anyway - so full of promise of what's to come.
Beautiful photos, squirl-bob (I've decided you're southern and have hence changed your name).
Just lovely lady, I myself have seen quite a few sunrises since getting the puppy. Im more familiar with the sun sets, but I am enjoying them anyways.
When I am not being nibbled or drooled on hehe
Those are pretty. I like the silhoutted trees against the sunset. That is cool.
Sunrises, sunsets, flowers, and more. Squirl, you bring beauty into our lives. Thank you.
Squirl-bob, these are beautiful. You give us such good gifts.
Awwwww, just breath taking, I do love your sunrises . . .
I really like these.
The trees and the house with the chimney looks really nice with it.
I was thinking of you this morning and wondering how your house search is going. Any progress? Also, HB read the Home Buying for Dummies book so that at least one of us would know some of the stuff to look out for paper-work wise. Not sure if you know about points and stuff already, or if you'd benefit from some of the info in the book. Just a thought that I wanted to remember to pass along. :-)
Pffffft, like Jessica Rabbit objects to being nibbled... ha!
Pretty pictures, Squirl-Bob. I think the name may stick.
Hey Squirl- Susie called you Bob--are you going to take that? I think she meant it like SpongeBob too--does that mean you have square pants?
Pretty sunrise!!
gaszsbzl = gazes so peaceful (if you have a cold...)
Jim, thank you. So now I'm squirl-bob, huh? tee hee
Jess, more early rising with puppies, huh? The early part sucks, but sunrises are gorgeous. Nibbled and drooled goes with the puppy territory, eh? I keep having to clean my glasses when I go visit Annie. She's really good at slurping on them.
Amber, thanks!
SS Nick, thank you and you are more than welcome. I love being able to share these with all of you. Just another part of God's work, happy to be a small part of it.
Thanks, Susie-bob!
Nina, thank you!
Danielle, thanks! Ichabod bought a house quite a few years ago but it wasn't a conventional mortgage. Maybe a book like that would be a good idea. Thank you.
Eclectic, well, I didn't really want to say anything. I always try to be a gracious hostess. We'll have to see about the -bob thing. :-)
Effie, I don't have any square pants, most of me is more on the roundish side. Thanks!
Hey, you could always be Squirl-bob Round Pants.
Or, Squirl Bob Tail Pants.
I like that one better.
SquirlBobTailPants! SquirlBobTailPants!
And your friend can be Nut-rick. And um...I think I just lost my steam.
Aren't you simply amazed by the spring like weather we continue to have, and the attendant fabulous sunrises and sunsets?
Terrific pics!
Amber, what kind of cartoon voice could I do with that one? hmmmm..........
JDR, thanks!
GWB, I know, this weather is amazing. Thanks!
We actually had TWO sunny days!! Hubby loved your pics. He's a sunrise/sunset fanatic.
hahaaa, Amber cracked me up. And then I thought she said, "lost my stream," because I have a peepee brain these days, and I thought she wet her pants. But, no, it was steam. This page is full of brainy ideas.
I think our evil little sister is in her mad photoshopper's laboratory cooking up mischief. You think?
You're welcome, Chia. :-)
tshsmom, isn't the sun a wonderful thing to see in the wintertime? I'm glad your husband liked the pictures, too. I wish I could've gotten the sunset, too.
Susie, tee hee, the brainy ideas abound here, or run, or whatever. Thanks for the Sunday morning laugh.
Yes, she's probably photoshopping some wild, crazy thing. Unless she's Play-Dohing it.
I may or may not have been photoshopping things involving televangelists and butt plugs, and how they need to make those things out of stronger material.
Bucky, it's probably very evil and we'd all love it.
How come when I reply to you my word ver is gjzzxs - jizz in excess
Bucky's gonna patent a process to make televangelists out of stronger materials?? Wow!! I'm so proud to be in your family!!!
Eclectic, isn't Bucky brilliant? We're all thrilled to be related to her.
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