Our trek to Harbor Island
It's still pretty even though they did turn the field into soccer fields. The water has gone down dramatically in recent years, too. There are plenty of places one can walk that used to be covered in water. Here's one of them.
Instead of water when you look down you see things like this.
Here's one of the decks they built out to what used to be water when they did the big redo.
There is a railroad track going through the edge of Harbor Island to Grand Haven that had to go over the water. Ichabod and I used to walk over the tracks to get over there. I was always scared to go over the water part of it. It made me feel really brave when I could make it across. Well, recently, they added a walkway on the side. All that money for a bunch of wusses. This picture turned out to be a weird blue color, I don't know why. I'll try posting it anyway. Looks like the picture is too small. If you're truly curious you'll need to click on the picture and go to my Flickr account.
There is some beautiful wildlife here, too.
And we've seen deer tracks here but never one standing right there. Remember, this is in the city.
But this was the most fun of all. When the water went down this showed up. People were in a panic that there had been a cemetary here. Turns out when the company making the headstones made a mistake they just dumped them in the water.
Anyway, it was a fun trip. If you ever get to Grand Haven, MI, you might want to check it out.