This is
mrtl's Monday Motif. I found it through
Susie this morning.
My parents had decided that I shouldn't date until I was 16. I think a lot of parents use that number. I wonder how often they end up sticking with it. Kinda hard when you have access to members of the opposite gender close by in town. Susie was saying that she didn't have the opportunities, living in the country, that the city kids had. Well, I was a city girl. And well, being in the city means living closer to other teenagers.
There was a group of us, male and female, who used to hang out together. There was an elementary school nearby and we could walk over there, or we could walk around town. Most of us were 15 and nobody could drive yet.
I was really wanting to have a boyfriend by that time. There was one boy in the group who I really liked, but he liked my bitchy friend better. I never get that: guys going for girls who are bitches, and girls going for guys who are real jerks.
Anyway, there was another boy who occasionally hung out with us. Bill didn't go to our school. He went to the Christian high school in the town to the north of us. The kids who went to that Christian school thought they were really hot stuff. Their attitude wasn't one I'd like to attribute to "Christians" in general. But this guy was kinda cute and we seemed to get along.
It was the end of winter and we'd just been over with the group trying to break up the ice at the little rink (rest of the year tennis court) at the elementary school. He walked me home and we kept talking outside the house. Just before he left, he kissed me. It was nothing to write home about, but it was my first kiss.
Well we were"going together" for a few weeks when he abruptly cut it off. His father had found out that I was Catholic so Bill wasn't allowed to see me anymore. Another lesson learned about religious intolerance.
I'm not saying that taught me to be any wiser in choices of boyfriends after that. But at least none of the others used the religion excuse to break up with me.